- ❯ Our analyses show that a one-size-fits-all containment and related public policy is crude and has been rejected in public-opinion. Erosion of the veracity of scientific statements has prevented uniform adoption of necessary population behavior modifications. The SHF has arrived at empirical-best-fits in possible answers to thousands of questions relating to the pandemic and human disease itself. Empirical HIS score based analyses have helped us to predict which patients are more at-risk and what protective measures are likely.
- ❯ Vaccines and personal protective measures are important but prevailing theories on method-of-action role, efficacy, and side-effects have largely been rejected in the SHF-Knowledgebase (SHF-KB) analyses thus far. Intermittently public-policy has also added to the faux-belief of the role of a vaccine, and has caused laxity in the careful restraint needed in the population-behavior. Continued availability of vector-hosts has manifested in a continued iatrogenic phase of the pandemic, now raging in many countries.
- ❯ Pre-print disclosures of SphReI-HxVaccine subset of the Sphenome Heuristics Framework in a series of convertible Public Service Announcements "cPSA" have been released since spring of 2020, under a Sphiverse modified Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO] license—an "sLicense".
- ❯ The pandemic has provided susbtantial data. Rigorous observational data analyses—case–control and cohort-based—along with surveys and data from over 97 countries have validated some of SHF-Knowledgebase in disease vectors in human disease. In chief, vaccines given to patients with HIS of 26, while still helpful are likely to cause more side-effects.
- ❯ Several predictive analytics-results of our framework, since late 2019, have subsequently evidenced to be true.
- ❯ The trial-platform is a bold attempt bring a transformational change on how research is done with transparency and integrity.
- ❯ The effort is to carefully validate almost every theory and practice prevalent so that humanity can move away from idiosyncracies and politics that appear to have permeated in medicine and healthcare delivery today.
- ❯ As we introduce groundbreaking discoveries, we believe the SphReI-HxVaccine Trial Platform will improve our understanding of the human body and how disease manifests.
- ❯ This will avoid unnecessary animal experiments or human lives, shorten time to conduct clinical trials and develop new classes of personalized therapeutics and pharmaceuticals and responsibly introduce them into the mainstream of medicine.
- ❯ This trial will showcase world's best-in-class technologies and validated best-practices in the access, delivery, and consumption of healthcare services worldwide.